10 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy

1. GET OUTSIDE Up early? Go for a walk or a run to enjoy some pre-festivities alone time, or grab your favorite second cousin to catch up. For something a bit more competitive, round up a group of family or friends and hit the backyard or local park for some flag football. https://samarpan1sanopraya.wixsite.com/samarpan 2. DO IT FAST Don’t have an hour to hit the gym? Don't worry. Try an at-home circuit workout. All take 20 minutes (or less!) to get in a good workout. 3. EAT IN THE A.M. Skipping breakfast in order to “save your appetite” for dinner probably isn’t the best idea. Not breaking the fast ‘til the afternoon may lead to binging later on (read: four servings of mashed potatoes). 4. HYDRATE. Make sure to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Not drinking enough H2O could spark hunger pangs, which may actually be the thirst. https://samarpan1sanopraya.wixsite.com/samarpan 5. CHEW SLOWLY. How quickly we eat really does matter, research shows. In one study. fast eaters consumed around three ounces of food per minute, while slowpokes only ate about two ounces. Chewing slowly could mean less calories consumed, so take a chill pill when digging into the dinner plate. 6. BE AWARE OF DANGER FOODS. Be careful with foods that aren’t as healthy as they seem. Gratins, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce may hide some sneaky ingredients high in fat and sugar. 7. DON’T DENY DESERT The holidays shouldn’t be about restricting certain foods—just try to enjoy them in moderation! Stick to one slice of pie (or try one of these healthy dessert recipes )instead of going cold turkey at the dessert table. https://samarpan1sanopraya.wixsite.com/samarpan 8. MEDITATE Whether enduring too much family time or unable to resist eating a whole pumpkin pie (we get it), meditation can help lower stress levels. All you need is a few minutes and a quiet corner. 9. GET ENOUGH SLEEP.
Make sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep the night before Thanksgiving. Not getting enough sleep could amp up appetite levels the following day. 10. GET YOUR CHECKUPS

Get to your doctor for your annual physical just to make sure everything is as it should be. If you have insurance, usually these services are covered, so take full advantage of your benefits. That being said, know your own body so that you are aware when something seems awry.
#abishek_rajthala https://samarpan1sanopraya.wixsite.com/samarpan https://www.facebook.com/Samarpan-338996406630365/